Application Page
2024 Application
Name of Applicant: __________________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________ City: __________________ State: _________ Zip:________
Phone (Home): _______________________________ (Cell) _________________________________________
Email Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian: ___________________________________________________________________________
Current GPA: ____________________________ Gender: Female ________________ Male ________________
Anticipated School of Attendance: ______________________________________________________________
The Julia Fried Memorial Fund Scholarship will be awarded to a student at John H. Glenn High School. One (1) student will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship. The student must be a graduating senior, planning to pursue a career in health care, and entering a college/university in the Fall of 2024.
Please attach a copy of your resume, this application, and your response to the essay question: "Please tell us why you want to be nurse or other health care professional. How have your experiences serving others influenced your decision?"
Please email your application to , or mail to Julia Fried Memorial Fund Scholarship, 21 Danville Drive, Greenlawn, NY 11740
Applications are due April 22, 2024.